EXPRESS SHIPPING - We offer a 2-day express delivery service for domestic customers within the contiguous states (does not apply to P.O.box address when choosing our standard shipping method. For customers from UAE, please use your P.O. Delivery will take 7 to 21 business days after an order has shipped. Please be advised that for the standard shipping option, your local post would usually be in charge of the actual delivery. INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING - Standard international shipping starts at $4.99 and may increase depending on the weight of your order.However, for PO boxes and military addresses, delivery could take 4 to 45 business days. For contiguous USA, once shipped, your order should arrive within 2 to 3 business days.
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US SHIPPING - We offer free standard shipping to customers within the USA.On average, they process/ship orders within 1 to 2 business days. ORDER PROCESSING - Our fulfillment team tries to process orders as quickly as they can.